
Zillow says Charlotte home prices will continue to soar in 2022

Cities in the Southeast​ and Sun Belt​, including Raleigh and Charlotte, are among the Top 5 hottest real estate markets in the United States, according to Zillow.

The hottest housing market in 2022 will be Tampa, followed b​y​ Jacksonville,​ Fla.,​ Raleigh, San Antonio and Charlotte​.

​According to Zillow, Charlotte home values will rise 21​ percent​ through November.​ The​ average home in Charlotte is​ valued at about​ $3​30,000.

Zillow predicted Tampa home values will grow 24.6 percent through November of 2022.

More of the same but not as much

Z​illow economists expect the housing market to back off ​slightly​ from ​​record-breaking ​levels​ in 2021, but home shoppers​ will continue to face strong competition, rising prices and limited inventory​.

“Home buyers are attracted to markets in the Sun Belt that offer relative affordability, fast-growing economies and weather that allows them to enjoy the outdoors year-round,” says Zillow economist Alexandra Lee.

Sellers remain in drivers’ seat

S​ellers ​r​emain in the driver’s seat,​ ​especially ​in hot markets.

​”​Buyers should be ready for strong competition for homes, which means bidding wars and homes flying off the market only days after they are listed​,” Lee said.

Low mortgage rates

Prices have been fueled by low mortgage interest rates mega-trends including the millennial generation’s pent-up desire to ​own.

​This combined with wave of baby boomers entering retirement amid the “Great Resignation,” Zillow economists expect ​”incredibly strong​”​ price appreciation and sales volume​.  ​

Zillow’s 10 hottest housing markets of 2022:

San Antonio

Zillow says New York, Milwaukee and San Francisco should be the coolest housing markets in 2022, but sellers will have the upper hand even in cooler markets.


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