
NC jobless rate down .6% from one year ago

Sept. 20. The state’s seasonally adjusted August 2023 unemployment rate was 3.3 percent, .5 percent lower than the national jobless rate of 3.8 percent.

North Carolina’s unemployment rate decreased 0.6 of a percentage point from a year ago. The number of people employed increased 12,790 over the month to 5,072,983 and increased 103,639 over the year. The number of people unemployed increased 2,183 over the month to 173,576 and decreased 26,778 over the year.

Seasonally adjusted Total Nonfarm employment increased 17,500 to 4,945,300 in August. Major industries experiencing increases were Trade, Transportation & Utilities, 4,700; Education & Health Services, 4,500; Leisure & Hospitality Services, 3,800; Professional & Business Services, 3,100; Government, 2,500; Information, 1,900; Construction, 400; and Other Services, 200.

Major industries experiencing decreases were Manufacturing, 3,200; Financial Activities, 300; and Mining & Logging, 100

Since August 2022, Total Nonfarm jobs increased 117,300 with the Total Private sector increasing by 101,000 and Government increasing by 16,300. Major industries experiencing increases were Leisure & Hospitality Services, 32,600; Education & Health Services, 29,700; Professional & Business Services, 17,200; Government, 16,300; Trade, Transportation & Utilities, 13,200; Other Services, 5,700; Financial Activities, 3,100; and Information, 1,800.

Major industries experiencing decreases were Manufacturing, 2,100; Construction, 100; and Mining & Logging, 100.


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