The 8.82-acre parcel at Lindholm and Townley is shaded in moss green
Sept. 6. By Dave Yochum. Birkdale Village, the lifestyle center in Huntersville that’s undergoing a $20 million overhaul, is planning to add a hotel, as well as office and commercial space and hundreds of multifamily units.
DDRTC Birkdale Village LLC is asking the Town of Huntersville for permission to build:
—A 125 room hotel
—350 multifamily units
—150,000 square feet of offices
—25,000 square feet of commercial
The expansion on 8.82 acres located at the intersection of Townley Drive and Lindholm Drive could virtually double the size of the 250,000 square foot mixed-use development.
Retail trends
Conceived as a modern-day interpretation of the shopping mall, lifestyle centers are characterized by outdoor settings and multiple uses, including office, multi-housing and hospitality in addition to upscale, national-chains and specialty retail. Birkdale Village owners early this year began a $20 million redo which included eliminating the roundabout and fountain in the center of the complex.

Birkdale Village
Birkdale Village officials could not be reached comment. The pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use project, apparently the first of its kind in the United States, is owned by Nuveen Real Estate and North American Properties (NAP).
Research has shown the top 20 lifestyle centers in the largest US markets reported nearly 8.1 million visits in August 2021, compared with 1.3 million visits in April 2020. During 2021’s second quarter, lifestyle centers drew 46 percent higher rents than regional malls and 11.5 percent higher rents than super regional malls, according to a May 5 press release from Nuveen and NAP.
Looking ahead: Zoning
The Town of Huntersville would have to amend its zoning ordinance to allow hotels and commercial use structures within a pedestrian-oriented development of the highway commercial zoning district to exceed the permitted building height up to 145 feet with a special use permit. The Town Board is expected to hold a public hearing on the proposal Oct. 3.
Trial balloon?
The conceptualization below, which appears to show the new development going vertical at Barnes & Noble, was shared by Lake Norman Economic Development back in February. LKNEDC did not respond for comment.
any updates on hotel @ golf course location and the extension of Lindholm Dr over to Birkdale Commons south of Sam Furr?
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No way. As a homeowner in Birkdale I will be at this meeting.
Should really be focusing on PARKING. Can’t even accommodate the amount of cars that traveled through there before these current renovations.
Having to park well over a mile away from where I’m trying to go is absurd and makes me shop else where.
How about we tear down the eye sore of ratty golf course net and build something there instead and leave actual birkdale ALONE.
Ask the actual residents. They don’t want this.
I went to a few of the town meetings an asked the same question they said they don’t own the property across the street. So that’s why they want to build above on the Barnes an Noble site. The whole idea is to absurd to think about.
I agree from the start of the new remodeling of Birkdale I have felt a sad change is going to take place an it has come to pass !! There is no more a quint little village that was quite an fun to walk around ! It has become a commercialized out door mall. Really sad. Just so the developers can make tons of money. They don’t even live here. Just can’t see the future as a good out come.
It seems they will be turning the quaint village into a city. Is this progress?
What a horrible idea. There’s not enough parking today. Trying to change Birkdale too much.
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If you look at their rezoning request, it shows that they’re proposing to add 530 parking spaces.
Change in the retail world is good. The retail world is changing, so if retail centers don’t, they die. Would you rather a retail destination or a dead mall in that location?
Unbelievably ugly. No longer interested in shopping there & not a place to go to chill.
Hôtel design does not fit in with the new updated areas. Parking and traffic will be a nightmare! Also heard regal was bought out by the new owners since they are going out of business. Please tell me they are going to keep the movie theater and just update it! Will be an absolute tragedy if they get rid of the movie theater and replace it with more retail/office space.
The rendering is an office building.
Not a good idea to convert a quaint village into a over-commercialized catastrophe. The new additions are already an eye sore.
Huntersville used to be a great place to live and play. The congestion and traffic is already increasing and that would turn into a nightmare.
Ah Yes ! The congestion, the increase of traffic onto streets already busy busy, and OMG – parking will be an even BIGGER problem ! ! Is there any realistic planning effort going into this “PLAN” or are residents and shoppers just supposed to “tolerate” the problems and troubles that will result ? ?
Terrible idea..they are ruining our village. The parking is scarce now. The noise is awful and kids overrun village on weekends. It’s a drop off for parents for their teens. Not fair for us who pay high dollar rents to live here.
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The development of the open air center section of Birkdale Commons Parkway has ruined the pleasant village feel. This will only make it feel more congested.
This is far from a done deal so please show up to the Town of Huntersville public hearing on Oct 3 to make a statement against this. They will be paying attention because they remember what happened to every pro development council member in Cornelius at the last election. Let’s bring that same “enough already” energy to Huntersville.
Love it birkdale needed a major facelift and it is looking amazing
Do you live in Birkdale Village…..I don’t think so….it’s become a nice place to visit but not live….I live here and traffic and noise unbearable at all hours of day and night.
No, he is troll
The so called improvements are butt ugly and give a feeling of claustrophobia.
I agree. I was very open-minded about the improvements to this point. The developer has a lot of experience with what works or doesn’t. I also appreciate their investment of $$ in Birkdale vs milking the property and letting it deteriorate. BUT, it already feels too crowded to me, uncomfortably so, which is another way of saying claustrophopbia.
I think this is a horrible idea it will take away the village feel which attracted me and my family to move her 17 years ago. The updates they are currently doing are really nice. Why don’t they build a multi level parking lot around the theater. When they plan on having this zoning meeting I would like to be there.
This will destroy the Village within a Town feel of Birkdale Village, the traffic along Sam Furr and W Catawba has already increased 3 fold and it’ll be years before the state will develop their changes! Horrible
Wow, just Wow! What a way to ruin a great area: More conjestion, more traffic, more people. Do we really need this level of development in the Birkdale area. May be time to move.
So are they not building the hotel across the street any longer or are they waiting for the widening of Hwy 73/Sam Furr?
Different ompany from the proposed hotel and shops by the golf course. All the hotels backed out. The success of the retail on the other side of Birkdale Commons parkway may change their mind.
This new proposal will have a dramatic impact on the NC Dept of Transportation plans. The new high volumes in and out of Birkdale should call for a review of the project on Sam Furr as it. Clearly was based on a significantly lower volume of vehicles exiting Birkdale Village by tturning left onto Sam Furr, as well as the need for left turns out of the housing development.
I strongly suggest we contact both our Huntersville Council AND the NC DOT.
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I agree with most of the people on here that the new Birkdale Village is actually awful. That used to be a great place to bring your little ones or just sit in the grass and enjoy the outdoor area. But now you have put these awful structures in the middle and it seems very congested and not an open area to enjoy anymore. There is definitely not enough parking now and I will not be taking my business to Birkdale anymore. This was one of the first places my husband brought me to after he got a job in Huntersville and I could not wait to live here just to enjoy BV. I loved the idea of Birkdale but not anymore!
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Horrible idea. Traffic, congestion, roads can’t handle it and too many people. Can’t enjoy going to Birkdale now for these reasons. Can’t imagine if you build it up more.
If the depiction of the building going in is “true” the idea is HIDEOUS! It does blend into the architectural scheme and sticks out like a sore thumb!! The true value of this entire area has been the architectural layout and the homes surrounding it! The landscaping, now this company wants to tear down the building and replace it with MORE!
They need to do more research, the noise and traffic will not induce people to rent the apartments and hotel rooms! As a home owner in the Village I truly hope this is stopped!
Edit : The building pictured of the new building doesn’t fit the architectural design of the Village,
How many more office and retail spaces or “mixed use” properties does one small community need? The same concepts are being developed on every inch of remaining property, yet there are plenty of vacant retail/office spaces already? Also, with more companies allowing remote work, do we need more office spaces? It seems the one thing we have a major shortage of is the only concept NOT being developed – single family homes!
I’m saddened by this area and the ridiculous amount of greed involved in the upcoming developments. I moved to this area because it had a certain charm that is slowly, but surely changing for the worst. “Upscale”, and expensive as well. I guess it’s a great fit for those who think they are among the elite. As for me, I plan on finding a peaceful place to live, outside of the cluster that it is here.
Here are the rezoning plans. Just click on the link and then go to the application link and you can see that the developer, North American Properties, is seeking approval for this in order to build a 12 story hotel, 7 story office building, 350 multi family units, and 6 story parking garages. Please attend the public hearing on Oct 3 at Huntersville Town Hall. https://www.huntersville.org/2936/R22-01-Birkdale-Village
I have not heard one word about how they plan to accommodate all the traffic in this area that is already a nightmare. I’m ready to move. This is horrible and is most likely a done deal. Money is king and to hell with the residents.
Please go to the public hearing on Oct 3 at 6:00 at Huntersville Town Hall and make your voice heard. Many others who are sick of this over development will be there as well.
Birkdale does not make it easy for delivery people. Some of us have mobility issues and are forced to walk longer than needed to pickup or drop-off an order. This needs to be fixed. If it wasn’t for delivery drivers more than half the restaurants would have left and Birkdale would dasically be a wasteland with little income to continue.
The center space now has the ugliest buildings in the Charlotte area.. and what is that big modern structure in the middle? Nothing is pleasant there anymore.. I have confined my visits there to the shops near BoneFish and Barnes and Noble.. parking and no eyesores to view! Please can someone rescue Birkdale VILLAGE!